Great News!
We are happy to announce that, starting in 2025, Rejected Religion and RENSEP will be collaborating to bring you some very special content!
RENSEP already offers ‘Ask a Scholar’ and ‘Ask a Practitioner’ Live Zoom meetings to their members. In 2025, Stephanie Shea from Rejected Religion will be hosting and moderating some very special conversations between scholars and practitioners throughout the year, called “Spotlight with RENSEP -- Esoteric Crossroads: Scholars Meet Practitioners.”
How will it work?
Stephanie will host a Free Live Zoom on her Patreon (under her ‘SPOTLIGHT’ rubic) and on the RENSEP platform. The Zoom link will be provided on the RENSEP website and newsletter for RENSEP members, as well as on Stephanie’s Patreon main page.
The meetings will also include a Q&A at the end of the discussions. More information will follow soon! Rejected Religion Patreons already enjoy RENSEP memberships at a reduced price or for free; Stephanie is also offering a 6-month Free Tier 4 Level Membership for RENSEP members; Tier 4 allows access to content on all of the tiers (including the book club)! The promo code is valid until (and including) January 31st. We hope this will promote engagement between the two platforms, as well as offering new topics and opportunities for learning and discussion. Stay tuned for the announcement of the first Scholar-Practitioner Conversation in early 2025!We’re looking forward to an excellent new year! Rejected Religion Patreons can check out the RENSEP website at www.rensep.org .